We had a great presence at this year’s AAPEX show - the biggest product expo in the U.S. The Tungsram brand made a strong showing, it was a fantastic week for our Global Automotive Team and members of the Tungsram Executive Staff. We really felt proud of our Tungsram booth, which was fully independent of the GE brand.
Booth graphics included a great design concept around the global “See and Be Seen” campaign, which has been seen in North America all year and the broad breadth of line across Tungsram, including horticulture and advanced materials.

The Automotive NPI push at the show this year was LED focused and was very well-reviewed from our customers.
List of new products exhibited :
LED Sealed Beams
LED Miniatures
LED Fog Lamps
LED Work Lights
LED Utility Lights
LED Mirage Lights
LED Heated Sealed Beams
We were very proud to receive the award for “Best New Product in Automotive Lighting” from the AutoCare Association, (the organization that runs AAPEX) for our new LED Sealed Beam lamps.

Visitors to our stand were impressed by our new automotive lighting products, there was a lot of interest from customers, accompanied by strong media attention.
The fair was full of positive comments and meetings, the sales team reported many strong leads and interested buyers who made inquiries at the booth.
The feedback from all of our meetings and communications were all very favorable as the customers are anxious and supportive about moving into the Tungsram brand.
We struck up many conversations with new customers that hopefully will turn into quality leads for the NA team.
We’re sure this participation helped reinforce the Tungsram brand awareness and provided a good base for the brand transition communication.
It’s been a very productive, intensive week and we look forward to benefiting from the outcome.