Tungsram President & CEO, Joerg Bauer was very pleased to accept the AutoCare Associations’s Best New Product Award in the Automotive Lighting category for Our new Nighthawk LED Sealed Beams at the 2019 AAPEX Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.
’This prestigious award is the first important recognition of our newly developed range of Automotive LED sealed beam products’, Joerg Bauer said. ’This product range features premium performance and quality at competitive pricing. The new innovative products will be sold under Tungsram brand mainly in North America . The first feedback in the AAPEX Trade show is very positive, the award received well resonates with customers’

’This product range will contribute to our growth strategy in our North American business’, GM Automotive, Gabriella Mózes added.
Tungsram Nighthawk LED headlamps are ot only brighter than standard halogene sealed beam headlights but they are long-lasting, too, at 15,000 hours. This is a sealed beam replacement system for LED upgrade in cars in the US. They come with a three-year limited warranty and produce exceptional visibility with 5600K, white light that is close to daylight.